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Administrator Roles


Administrator Roles

Updated March 2012

This article discusses the different role assignments for effective management and use of tcConference virtual room technology. In some cases, these roles will be deployed across different organizations. A "role" defines the tasks necessary to complete some particular activity. We could say it is the "hat" worn when performing a specific function. For example, a person may put on one "hat" when he/she is a parent, and a different "hat" when playing first base for the local baseball team. There are differing responsibilities associated with different roles.

Several roles are necessary to successfully install, administer and use the technology. An understanding of those roles will help the user better comprehend, and fulfill, the different administrative tasks and responsibilities.

The different roles involved with administrative activities are summarized below. In this administration user guide, the System Administrator and Room User roles are not discussed in any detail.

System AdministratorThe System Administrator is responsible for network, local area network (LAN) and security administration.
Conference Room Master AdministratorThe Master Administrator is responsible for managing the conference room environment. This would include creating, deleting and changing Virtual Servers as well as communication to/from Virtual Server administrators (or owners).
Virtual Server AdministratorThe Virtual Server Administrator is responsible for customizing a particular Virtual Server. Such customization would include creating, deleting, and editing individual rooms. As well, he/she would communicate pertinent information to Room Administrators (or owners).
Room AdministratorThe Room Administrator is responsible for configuring individual rooms. This would include maintaining room access passwords, specifying the room layout (for example, the home URL), authorizing recording options, etc. The Room Administrator would provide room access links to potential users.
Room ModeratorA Room Moderator is a user with moderator privileges (pushing web page content, converting and uploading documents, Desktop Sharing initiation, etc.). In addition, the moderator can control the room environment; he/she can mute one or more participants (both audio and text), authorize text chat and audio for everyone, modify the talk order queue, and even remove offending users.
Room Guests/ParticipantsA Room Participant is an individual who uses the room as an invited guest; such a person can participate in meetings, attend training sessions, etc.

The deployment of specific roles will be different for every organization. In one organization the role of Systems Administrator, Master Administrator, Virtual Server Administrator and Room Administrator may be assigned to a single individual. In such a case, guides for Master Server, Virtual Server, and Room Administration would be needed. In another organization, a different individual may be assigned for each role, in which case each person would use one of the specific administration guides. Other organizations may choose yet another variation of assigned responsibilities.

The assignment of roles will also depend on the product: server software, Virtual Server, or room(s). For example, if you are a Virtual Server renter or room renter, you will not need the Systems Administrator, Master Administrator role, or the Master Administrator's Guide.

It will be important to clearly define, and document, the different responsibilities when multiple individuals are involved. Such specific organizational determinations are, obviously, not in the purview of Talking Communities.

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Article details
Article ID: 17
Category: Administration
Date added: 2010-12-07 14:39:30
Views: 1065
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (69)

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